Issue 1 / 2015

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The Queen is Back

Words: Anton Pousar
The Laerdal is a river that is one of the best known locations to fish for Atlantic salmon in the whole world. The Laerdal’s sport fishing history is long and rich but also tragic due to infection of the salmon parasite, Gyrodactylus salaris. As a result of an extensive amount of work and money spent to renovate fish stocks, the river was re- opened officially in 2013 – and to the joy of salmon and sea trout anglers, the Queen is back!

All In The Genes

Words: Andrew McGall
Andrew McGall looks at one group of salmon flies to discover what makes them so successful

100 Tips for The Salmon Season

Words: Mikael Frödin
The salmon are rising right now! But how to succeed in this peculiar fishing for fish that do not eat? Mikael Frödin has spent more days fishing than possibly any other Scandinavian. These tips really work!

A Reel Collector – Stanislav ”Stas” Gorbounov

Words: Miki Äikäs
A few years back I found on the internet a very interesting site called I looked at those reels many, many times, and later on, when I decided to take the job of Editor at Chasing Silver, I decided to contact the owner of the site and ask if I could write an article about those reels.

Prodigious Ponoi

Words: Nick Reygaert
Definition: pro·di·gious Adjective Remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree

The Good Vibes Photo Contest 2014 Results

A Serious Search for The Big One

Words: Valgerdur Arnadottir
“My dear, how do you expect to find it when you are looking in all the wrong places?” This was the answer my father gave me when I was explaining my worries about finding the big salmon. It took me a while to realize it and to accept that fact.

High and Low for Salmon

Words: Thomas Woelfle
Standing in a river and fishing for Atlantic salmon is one of the highlights in my season. It is my holy week and is still untouchable. I love my wife and kids but I also love myself so I go, year after year. I always prepare well for any kind of situation, either high or low water.

Guide and Get Guided

Words: Ville Häkkinen
Fly fishing in a new place is often very challenging, and if you are a beginner, don’t even think about starting fly fishing without professional guidance.

Testing new salmon reels in class 7 – 9 (PART II)

Words: Juha Tissari
We tested 21 new reels for salmon fishing in classes 7 to 9. This is part two of the test covering reels in category “under 400€”.